This 19th century novel,
has long been the subject of intense criticism and debate. So let's talk about it.

At its core, the work serves as a scathing indictment of the shallow, materialistic aspirations of the bourgeois society in which it is set. The protagonist, Emma Bovary, is portrayed as a deeply flawed and un-sympathetic character - a bored (a very one haha), narcissistic housewife who becomes consumed by romantic fantasies and an insatiable desire for luxury and status.

Through Emma's tragic downfall, Flaubert ruthlessly skewers the empty pursuit of wealth and social standing that he saw as pervasive in his time. The novel's critique extends beyond just Emma, however, to the entire stifling, provincial world in which she is trapped. Flaubert's meticulous, almost clinical style of writing strips away any semblance of romance or glamour, laying bare the cold, calculating calculations that underpin the characters' behaviors and motivations.

This uncompromising approach has led many critics to view Madame Bovary as a pioneering work of literary realism, one that dispenses with romantic illusions to reveal the moral bankruptcy at the heart of bourgeois existence. Ultimately, the novel's biting social commentary and its deeply unsympathetic protagonist have made it a polarizing work that continues to provoke strong reactions and impassioned debate among readers and scholars alike.

i deeply recommend this book.
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