Rex has been having some bowel issues for awhile now, so I scheduled additional tests this past Thursday. Unfortunately, They found a tumor, which is scheduled to be removed on 11/29th. We could definitely use some help regarding the cost of the surgery, aftercare appointments & meds. The tests alone already amounted to 500.00. Thank you for all of your love & prayers. We got this! Thank you so much, Demi & Rex ♥️🐶 Update: Rex is having trouble getting up the starts at our new place in Arizona. We will be going back to the vet next week for a panel of tests. That already cost over 1000.00.. Any support you can give us, is truly appreciated!!!! Thank you so much! ❌⭕️🙏🏼
May 01, 2024
Token Goal
Motorman_568 20690 Tokens
wiggles4ya 10500 Tokens
kctraveler 5102 Tokens
scorpion689 3922 Tokens
ZombieDarling 3915 Tokens
Smackle 3100 Tokens
MaximusImpact 2500 Tokens
ohcomuin 1875 Tokens
HyperDrift 1200 Tokens
Liftedf250 1100 Tokens
jakeshere9119 1000 Tokens
bigmacn321 1000 Tokens
thunder2900 1000 Tokens
CW_Anderson 800 Tokens
MoMunky 505 Tokens
donkeydocker 500 Tokens
Mclovinnit 500 Tokens
Rugbynumber8 250 Tokens
archieduke 200 Tokens
Bulldog_0 200 Tokens
Boomstick572 200 Tokens
CoffeeLover25 200 Tokens
jim919us 139 Tokens
jimmy482016 100 Tokens
sexlexia_ 100 Tokens
Eric_MFL 100 Tokens
wishiwasonyou 25 Tokens