This month I will go to Brasov with my girls initially we had to go to Italy, Florence but I canceled and I can't wait to have 3 days of relaxation with my favorite human beings in the world.We will go to the Spa, ski if it snows and hiking. Online and offline tips over 200 tok will receive nice pictures with me during my little vacation and i would be super grateful if you can help me with the travel accommondation. Thank you lots!
Mar 02, 2020
Mar 10, 2020
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Mar 10, 2020.
You can send LenaLiveNow a Share Tip!
All 4 Albums, 1 Recording, 10 Items, 4 Clubs, 1 Poll, and 2 Tipmenus contribute to this Goal.
elpollopapi 500 Tokens
chembrat Tip Menu 200 Tokens
RedFox_3 Brasov vacation with my girls 5208 Tokens
analking718 Brasov vacation with my girls 292 Tokens
analking718 Brasov vacation with my girls 300 Tokens
analking718 Brasov vacation with my girls 225 Tokens
analking718 Brasov vacation with my girls 200 Tokens
AnonimUnul Brasov vacation with my girls 776 Tokens
AnonimUnul 2999 Tokens