Happy 10 Years with you 🥰 On September 24th I started my journey on MFC and my life changed for the better in ways that I did not even imagine possible. No sob story but I went from being this insecure girl, who had no ideea what life really is to a full grown woman and capable of almost anything. Some of you that have been here for long have literally seen me grow up and go through struggles, happiness, joy, sadness and all spectrum of emotions. This year has been magical, after 10 years we didn't only get 1 crown, THE CROWN , but 3 , how amazing is that??🥰 I will never be fully able to express my grattitude, but all I can say is I will do the best that I can to give back, smiles, positive energy and as many happy boners as you can take!! I will leave this goal up for a long time, curious to see how long does it take for our room to acomplish it, I have seen in other rooms this kind of massive goals and was always tempted but never brave enough so why the hell not? What if it doesn't come true?? OH, BUT WHAT IF IT DOES???!!! ❤️
Sep 02, 2023
Token Goal
Contributor 1 977078 Tokens
Contributor 2 20600 Tokens
Contributor 3 1000 Tokens
Contributor 4 200 Tokens
Contributor 5 100 Tokens
Contributor 6 22 Tokens