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poco_ asked over 2 years ago:
How can I take you on a date
xLucyFord answered over 2 years ago:
Southernman asked about 3 years ago:
are you still single?
xLucyFord answered almost 3 years ago:
Joewill489 asked about 3 years ago:
What do you like most, about you as an individual?
xLucyFord answered almost 3 years ago:
hmm, it's a tie between my tits and my ability to reply to people's sarcasm with better sarcasm.
NC1882 asked over 3 years ago:
Are you bisexual?
xLucyFord answered almost 3 years ago:
i want to say yes but sadly for me, my attraction to women is purely physical.
Zachula1989 asked over 3 years ago:
Can I ask you something Lucy
xLucyFord answered almost 3 years ago:
idk, can you?
Guest asked almost 4 years ago:
Do you like to fuck
xLucyFord answered almost 4 years ago:
love it
Jaz00000 asked almost 4 years ago:
Can I have your snap?
xLucyFord answered almost 4 years ago: