here u can ask any type of question u like to know! sexually too!
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Guest asked about 5 years ago:
what sort of fetishes do you enjoy? any favorites to indulge in on cam?
urdreamgiirl answered over 2 years ago:
Roleplay, feet
Guest asked about 5 years ago:
what are your thoughts on male chastity? is there a certain size below which you think should be locked, or some other criteria perhaps?
urdreamgiirl answered over 2 years ago:
mmmm idk is not my turn on
Guest asked over 5 years ago:
Hi Marianne. what is your favorite role play
urdreamgiirl answered about 5 years ago:
Well, Is hard to choose only one in my favs are nurse, school girl or secretary. submissive mostly.
AkashicP asked over 5 years ago:
What is your favorite song on this date July 27, 2019?
urdreamgiirl answered over 5 years ago:
well, I like too many songs hehe, I like perfect strangers, just the way u are, somos dos