AVN tip menu
If you would like to make a suggestion for something to add to the the tip menu, please tip 5 tokens and send it in the tip note.
Say hi
28 Tokens
PM/Friend add
150 Tokens
Love your outfit
75 Tokens
Snack fund
109 Tokens
SNAP +AVN COMBO SPECIAL - Lifetime snap + AVN private story
1200 Tokens
You’re beautiful (and I want to stare at you and mouth breathe so here is some money for having to picture that)
205 Tokens
Take the day off
10000 Tokens
Take the week off
75000 Tokens
Grab a random model and introduce them
500 Tokens
I love you (and don’t you dare tell me that without tipping this amount)
100000 Tokens
Tell whoever you’re talking to “fuck off” because we want your attention
1000 Tokens
Show the whole fit
102 Tokens
Sneaky peek
303 Tokens
Cam bomb Luna
396 Tokens
Cam bomb Mysty
396 Tokens
Cam bomb Genevieve
396 Tokens
Show your view
141 Tokens