Emotional dump
Here you have 10 minutes of let out all YOUR frustration. I won’t take it personal and nobody else will in the chat room. We all will respect that you just had to. I will just sit and watch, no comment. I hope you start with a 199 tokens tip to turn on your camera so I can see you and hear you. You are allowed to scream, jump, cry, break down or just laugh your ass off. After the 10 minutes you are gonna tip “I am done mistress” then I’ll take over. 
You’re a bitch
5 Tokens
You’re stupid
6 Tokens
You’re fat
7 Tokens
You’re fucking ugly
8 Tokens
I hate you
9 Tokens
You’re the worst fucking boss
10 Tokens
Cunt, cunt, cunt
11 Tokens
You’re a hoe
12 Tokens
Fuck you
13 Tokens
I am screaming my lungs out
14 Tokens
I just want to punch you
15 Tokens
Cock sucker
16 Tokens
Suck a dick
17 Tokens
Fucking retard
18 Tokens
Kiss my ass bitch
19 Tokens
I fucking quit!
20 Tokens
This is bullshit!
21 Tokens
Fucking cheater
22 Tokens
Get the fuck outta here
23 Tokens
I am done mistress
50 Tokens