🎧 Desverse Tip Menu πŸ’‹
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Use Tip Menu(s) To Slide Into Queue
Play Games and Participate in Chat to WIN Prizes

Public Tokens Unlock Activity Wheel Spin Goals
during chat or placed on Whiteboard for future options

Remember, ALL activities slide into the desverse Q and will be played accordingly
πŸ”† Music Wheel Spin to randomly choose a GenreπŸ”†
39 Tokens
πŸ”†πŸ”†Enter Music Wheel Spin Link into QueueπŸ”†πŸ”†
10 Tokens
πŸŽ΅πŸ“½ Music Req (1-8 Min) Double or Triple for Longer Videos
75 Tokens
⏭ Skip Queue Music Video Link ⏭
175 Tokens
πŸ’ƒ des, please dance to my Song Link πŸ’ƒ
200 Tokens
πŸ•Ί*Monthly Avatar Or Gift One To ChatπŸ•Ί
250 Tokens
🎰 *Play The Game (Must have Avatar to play) 🎰
42 Tokens
Check $nap or Me$$age | Friend ADD$ |Private Me$$age$| Each $tream
400 Tokens
🎭Comedy Vid: MOSTLY anything Goes (1-20 Min)🎭
550 Tokens
✨ Chill Zone (10 Minutes) | Des will calm and soothe chat ✨
600 Tokens
πŸ‘™ Change into Bikini! πŸ‘™
4000 Tokens
πŸ’« Get Cozy and Chill with Chat for the rest of the nightπŸ’«
8888 Tokens
⭐ Topless DJ 🎧
10000 Tokens
⭐ ⭐Naked DJ 🎧
20000 Tokens
πŸ‹ Moby Dick ( Highest Tip) πŸ‹
40000 Tokens