Uma combinação de “chat” e “hub”, indicando que é o centro de suas conversas.
"Hello, how are you?"
5 Tokens
"What's your name?"
5 Tokens
"Where are you from?"
5 Tokens
"What are your hobbies?"
6 Tokens
"Do you like sports?"
6 Tokens
"What's your favorite movie?"
6 Tokens
"What did you do today?"
8 Tokens
"How was your day at work/school?"
8 Tokens
"Any plans for the weekend?"
8 Tokens
"Have you seen the news today?"
10 Tokens
"What do you think about [current event]?"
10 Tokens
"What do you think about [current event]?"
10 Tokens
"What is your life goal?"
15 Tokens
"What do you value most in a friendship?"
15 Tokens
"What was the most significant moment in your life?"
15 Tokens
"Do you have any travel plans in mind?"
17 Tokens
"What are your goals for the next year?"
17 Tokens
"Where do you see yourself in 5 years?"
17 Tokens
"Have you watched any good TV shows recently?"
19 Tokens
"What's the latest song you've listened to?"
19 Tokens
"Have you played any interesting games lately?"
19 Tokens
"Are you okay? Do you need to talk about something?"
21 Tokens
"How can I help you today?"
21 Tokens
"How are you feeling?"
21 Tokens
"Have you ever traveled to an exotic place?"
23 Tokens
"What's your funniest childhood memory?"
23 Tokens
"Have you had any surprising experiences recently?"
23 Tokens
"It was nice talking to you!"
25 Tokens
"When can we chat again?"
25 Tokens
"Is there anything else you'd like to discuss?"
25 Tokens