Adoration Mommy Tip Menu
Show me some love ❤️ 
You’re cute
20 Tokens
30 Tokens
You have an amazing voice
80 Tokens
I think I’m in love!
100 Tokens
Be my girlfriend??
150 Tokens
I love your style
200 Tokens
I love your hair
250 Tokens
Nice buns hun!
325 Tokens
My beautiful MILF 💦
350 Tokens
I want to use your breasts as pillows
400 Tokens
I want to be your slave
500 Tokens
You have a fuckable mouth
550 Tokens
The most beautiful smile I have ever seen
600 Tokens
I want to go to bed dreaming of you and wake up thinking of you
700 Tokens
I love your pussy
800 Tokens
I love your tight asshole
900 Tokens
The most gorgeous MILF on MFC
1000 Tokens
I want to shove you so hard
1100 Tokens
I want to make love to you gently and sweetly
1300 Tokens
You made my day amazing
1500 Tokens