thank you for sending some offline/online tips my way 
i love you so fucking much right now
Every token and dollar keeps me doing all my crazy ass shit..
My stand up routine, cosplay shows oh and sucking u off lol
1 Doll Hair Just CUz you so CUTE
20 Tokens
Sponsor daily Coffee to fuel my creativity
200 Tokens
Sponsor a mani/pedi refresh!
1111 Tokens
Sponsor Groceries for the week
2000 Tokens
Sponsor rent this month
40000 Tokens
Sponsor the phone bill this month
2222 Tokens
Sponsor a day off with with the Goblin
4444 Tokens
Sponsor my car Lease this month
6000 Tokens
Sponsor a a day off or flight to see my mom
10000 Tokens
Sponsor FULL syringe of LIP filler (my first BJ call is with you)
8000 Tokens
Sponsor 60 Units of Botox
6000 Tokens
Sponsor IMPLANT Refresh
100000 Tokens