Spoil me
434 Tokens
878 Tokens
A new lingerie just for you
989 Tokens
A new dress just for you
1222 Tokens
A mani/pedi appointment
2333 Tokens
Bath foam, for a relaxing bath you'll enjoy with me
2999 Tokens
Help me save up for a car
3555 Tokens
A new ring, I love jewleries
4444 Tokens
Spa day, a massage is well deserved from time to time + sexy pics for you
5555 Tokens
A good bottle of wine, some oil and a great video just for you
6767 Tokens
Make my day, 7 is one of my fav numbers
7777 Tokens
Give me a day off
11111 Tokens
Beat my highest tip and make me happy
12000 Tokens
A new vacation, I love relaxing and visiting new places
33000 Tokens
Get me a new phone
45454 Tokens
Get me a full day shopping session, I love shopping for sexy stuff and you'll definitely enjoy seeing them on me
50000 Tokens
Every girl can dream, right? Buy me my first car!!
300000 Tokens