1 hour
Skype n' Chill!
This is only for clothed and chatty hangouts (I know the image is a tease)- nothing sexual and no nudity!! To be scheduled in advance - Unless you tip the correct tip item to go straight to Skype from a Stream.
This menu does not come off countdowns. I allow one reschedule within 1 hour notice otherwise you forfeit the Skype if you miss the next one. Also, the platform doesn't have to be Skype, it can be GoogleMeets or Zoom.
This menu does not come off countdowns. I allow one reschedule within 1 hour notice otherwise you forfeit the Skype if you miss the next one. Also, the platform doesn't have to be Skype, it can be GoogleMeets or Zoom.
This Tip Menu is limited to Members of following Club
Dat Sweet Sweet Skype Club
2 hours
9500 Tokens
3 hours
14000 Tokens
Don't go yet!!! Add 30 minutes
2750 Tokens
Rent a movie during hangout (must tip appropriate time for the movie as well)
400 Tokens
Add a Drawing Lesson - iPad
400 Tokens
Play a game via Steam (must be Mac Compatible)
400 Tokens
Add an alcoholic beverage - Ladies Choice
1111 Tokens
Skype right now!! (while online ONLY) + time added from other options
17000 Tokens