Valid as of 24 April, 2024– While I’ve had a wonderful time demonstrating the shoey, nearly committing accidental arson, and acquiring a museum of mysterious bruises, it’s time for me to push the wine glasses to the back of the cupboard. Truthfully, drinking isn’t quite as fun as it once was, and I need to prioritize my health goals in order to continue on my quest to become a better me. 
Hit the vape.
150 Tokens
Smoke from pipe.
250 Tokens
Have a joint.
300 Tokens
A 15-minute vaping session.
400 Tokens
Smoke from bong.
420 Tokens
THC tea.
500 Tokens
A little cheer for sobriety!
20 Tokens
A big cheer for sobriety!
200 Tokens
A HUGE cheer for sobriety!
2000 Tokens