Feeling Altruistic?
If you're in a giving mood and want to help me step my cam game up, equipment wise, help pay my bills, or just give me a really good day, this is the tip menu to use!

Listed below are the prices of everything on here in USD (I just divided these numbers by 0.05 and put that as the token amount) and a short description of why I want it/why it'll be helpful for me to have:

New M2 Macbook Air - ~$2000
This price is with the amount of RAM and storage I want it to have; there are of course cheaper versions. But, my current laptop (A 2014 Macbook Air) is forever running out of storage and functions very slowly, so in replacing it, I'd rather have more RAM/storage than I need rather than not enough!

One Months Rent - $1900
Pretty self - explanatory, and would be an ENORMOUS help!
Lovense Webcam - $299
Right now I use my iPhone 13 as a webcam through a program called Camo. I like it and it works well, but the Lovense Webcam is supposed to be the mack daddy of cam girl cams, so I'm dying to see if it lives up to the hype!

Nikon Z30 Creator Kit - $1050
I want a dope ass camera so I can make dope ass content. The Z30 is marketed specifically for content creators and has the option to get it with a few helpful accessories when you buy the creator kit.

Professional Lighting - $1000
Right now I'm working with two ring lights, both of which cost less than $15, and sometimes I use one of those sunset projector lamps, and....that's it lol. I'd really like to improve my lighting as I think that's a major factor holding me back right now.

Sex Toy Shopping Spree - $750
Let me go HAM on some new sex toys. Want to know a not-so-secret? I fucking LOVE sex toys. Yes I enjoy them because of what they do, but lowkey, I find them very satisfying to look at them and touch them. I like looking at all of them together, all the different pretty bright colors puts me in a good mood. Plus I have a weird obsession with things made out of silicone, idk idk.  There's over 100 sex toys I want to get on my Wishtender and I don't fuck with the cheap shit, so $750 would allow me to get probably between 4-6 high quality new toys and it would totally make my fucking day!

Camming Wardrobe - $500
I saw wardrobe instead of lingerie (although I do plan on spending some of it on lingerie because I simply adore high quality lingerie!) because I feel best and sexiest and most comfortable in cute lil skimpy pajama sets or a t-shirt and sexy cotton panties. That's the look that's truest to who I am, so I'm gonna ride with it until the wheels fall off. 

Camming Decor Refresh - $500
I want to build a reserve of items I can use to mix up my streaming space - different bed spread sets, different tapestries and neon signs behind me, a big ass mirror, that kinda shit. 

Trip To The Dispensary - $250
Treat me to a trip to the weed store! I like the good shit.

New M2 Macbook Air
40000 Tokens
One Month's Rent
38000 Tokens
Nikon Z30 Creator Kit
21000 Tokens
Professional Lighting
20000 Tokens
Sex Toy Shopping Spree
15000 Tokens
Camming Wardrobe Refresh
10000 Tokens
Camming Decor Refresh
10000 Tokens
Lovense Webcam
6000 Tokens
Trip To The Dispensary
5000 Tokens