10k+ Tip Menu
Tip menu for 10k+ club members only! Ask me for any further clarification. Open to suggestions for adding more to menu ♡ 
This Tip Menu is limited to Members of following Club
10k+ Club
1 spank
25 Tokens
5 spanks
100 Tokens
iPad spank
50 Tokens
5 iPad spanks
225 Tokens
Take a shot
700 Tokens
Animal head your choice (10 mins)
1200 Tokens
Movie we have to watch (during offline hangs)
1800 Tokens
Name change for 24 hours
5000 Tokens
Mailed polaroid in current outfit *Not available at the moment
1000 Tokens
30 min Discord chat *Not available at the moment
2500 Tokens
This tipmenu is currently paused and new votes cannot be cast at this time.