hobbit movie marathon :)
"let's go on an adventure!"
8 Tokens
"are we there yet?"
8 Tokens
"love those sexy hobbit feet"
8 Tokens
"i'm scared"
8 Tokens
"wait...that's not in the book"
8 Tokens
"10/10 better than the book"
8 Tokens
"0/10 this sucks"
8 Tokens
"that's a lot of tokens"
8 Tokens
"gimme that gold"
8 Tokens
"gollum is so cute"
8 Tokens
"gandalf is sexy"
8 Tokens
"elf fap tax"
88 Tokens
"i'm falling asleep"
8 Tokens
"i'm out of snacks :( "
8 Tokens
"MORE songs?!"
8 Tokens
"these riddles are too hard for me"
8 Tokens
"where is gandalf when you need him?"
8 Tokens
"my precious"
8 Tokens
"better love story than twilight"
8 Tokens
"when is the next potty break?"
8 Tokens
"i love dwarves"
8 Tokens
"i hate dwarves"
8 Tokens
"i hate elves"
8 Tokens
"dragon fire!!"
8 Tokens
"Thorin is a dick"
8 Tokens