I just want to tip you!
10 Tokens
To meow-meow
25 Tokens
Eyes close up
49 Tokens
Song request
80 Tokens
Apply your super red lipstick
83 Tokens
Share your true opinion of me
90 Tokens
Tell a verse in russian or ukrainian
105 Tokens
A sip of wine or a shot
108 Tokens
Tarot card prediction
121 Tokens
Wear your super high heels
155 Tokens
Add stockings
170 Tokens
Lick your toes
190 Tokens
Take a marijuana puff (ask before)
223 Tokens
Put your leg behind your head
230 Tokens
Outfit change
380 Tokens
My name on your body
400 Tokens
Username change (1 day)
527 Tokens
Remove your make-up baby
997 Tokens
You deserve to be shocked
998 Tokens
Ultima Love To You!
1000 Tokens