Live Chat + Cam
This menu is for use during my Live streams. Use this menu to give a friendly compliment, share a dirty secret, ask me a naughty question, and become friends! Items from this list will let me know if you're really enjoying yourself ;)
You Think I'm Cute
5 Tokens
Stick Out Tongue :P
10 Tokens
Booty Wiggle
15 Tokens
Tell Me A Secret(Public Chat)
22 Tokens
Flash Hairy Armpits
20 Tokens
Quick Stretch
33 Tokens
Answer A Sex Question(Public Chat)
44 Tokens
Fap Tax (Admit it you're J/o)
55 Tokens
If I Made You Cum
150 Tokens
Watch Cam
200 Tokens
BFF's (Friend Request)
300 Tokens