Here you can find things that you can give me, activities in my free time, give me love and feel special 
Happy Birthday March 7
777 Tokens
Gift for my birthday March 7
2222 Tokens
A cappuccino
200 Tokens
Give me red velvet dessert
300 Tokens
Give me chocolate dessert
350 Tokens
I want to give you breakfast
400 Tokens
Today is pizza day
500 Tokens
Dinner is a hot dog and fries
600 Tokens
Give me a romance book
700 Tokens
Manicure day
800 Tokens
Buy lunch favorite spaghetti
850 Tokens
Another lunch favorite lasagna
900 Tokens
A movie afternoon with my best friend
1000 Tokens
I want a new dress
1500 Tokens
Go shopping
3000 Tokens
Give me a day off
5000 Tokens
Give me a vacation in March
10000 Tokens