Weed Menu!
42 Tokens
Nectar Collector
75 Tokens
Go Smoke A Bowl Outside Bitch
100 Tokens
Nose Vape Hit
123 Tokens
10 MG Edible Indica
200 Tokens
10 MG Edible Sativa
225 Tokens
10 MG Capsule
250 Tokens
30 MG Edible
400 Tokens
25 MG Sprinkle
333 Tokens
Unlimited vape for the night!
420 Tokens
50 MG Sprinkle
550 Tokens
Unlimited nectar collector for the night!
750 Tokens
100 MG Drink
777 Tokens
Unlimited vape hits for 3 months!
2400 Tokens
Unlimited nectar collector dabs for 3 months!
4200 Tokens
Add 500 MG of Sprinkle to a 5th of Vodka
5000 Tokens
25 MG Melatonin Sprinkle Nightcap** only for final tip of the night
150 Tokens