
You’re actually perfect. In every way. This set is INSANEEEEE
Emma WHAT!! These are gorgeous. You are gorgeous!!! The costumes, the sets. Every pictures is incredible.
This was so wonderful. You’re perfect!
I love how in a world that seems determined to harden people, you so confidently and so gracefully share your softness. This is real magic.
Doctor Emma, I don’t think I can ever break this addiction…. We’re going to have to have a lot of these appointments.
Your art always reminds me how beautiful the human form can be. The sun complements your figure so perfectly. How lucky is MFC? A sex goddess decided to drop into earth and have her way with us in our lifetime. 🫠
It should be illegal to be this hot and this funny all at once.
Out of this world!!!
You’re so cute
This is hot as fuck. I love strolls down memory lane.
UHM. Y’all are gorgeous. Emma, these pics are INSANE!!! You were meant to be on film. Blown away
Princess behavior. Lordt help us.
YOU ARE FLAWLESS. Hips of an angel. Moves of a cowgirl. Energy of a goddess.
Omg this looks out of this world!!! Worth every token to join Room Rangers for this
wow wow wow wow wooooowwww. Am experience I’d sign up for over and over and over again.
No place better. Gosh, you are perfect from head to toe. These shots are everything that makes camp fun. The hottest body, the cutest smile, the most gorgeous locations. Camp Emma Forever.
This is unequivocally one of the hottest videos that has ever existed on this website. The angles. Your dirty talk. !help
Biscuits really tried to steal the show 😂. You are magical. What an amazing set, cute costume… and the hottest woman on the planet.
This is one of the coolest videos you’ve ever made. So creative and vibey - flowing effortlessly to sensual and incredibly spicy. Magical.
This is such a vibe!! Your top and bottoms and hat and boots…. The hottest, sexiest, most adorable cow girl at the Cosmic Rodeo.
Uhm. You’re so creative! This is magic 😭
you consistently raise the bar then leap over it. What. WHAT. This is so fucking good!
UHM. MA'AM. The quality?!?! This could be in theaters. On Television. This is so cinematic.
Wow. This is simply amazing. What a beautiful piece of storytelling. Thank you for creating and sharing. This is such a spoil!!
These are INSANE!!! You look incredible. Damn I love everything about this. Looks fit for a magazine spread :)
This is the best teaser in the history of teasers (until the next one you make I guess 🫠)
This is not even remotely fair…. How do you look this sexy all the time???
Y’all are breathtakingly beautiful. Wow. Started soooo cute. Got horny real fast 😮💨. Love every second of this!
This… is everything that’s amazing about your work. Sexy angles. Hot dirty talk. Irresistible moans and sultry looks. The kind of video you can watch over and over yet still be blown away by each time 😮💨
As always, fckn incredible. Love the side by side scenes with flash backs sprinkled in!!! Story porn 😮💨
I’ve said this before, but I mean it with all my hear - this is your best video ever. You are in such a mood. The dirty talk, the angles… the sounds. I’m going to have this on repeat all day.
Views so good they look right out of a dream. WHAT EVEN. You’re gorgeous
you. Are. Beyond words. What a month it is been 🥺
A casual afternoon for a goddess and her earthly muse - just effortlessly creating the most beautiful, sensual art of 2021. Wow.
A masterpiece. Y’all are beyond words.
Uuhhhhmmmmm. You.
You. Are. Perfect.
Wildly magical. Also - Emma bathed in sunlight while wearing only knee high socks? Everything I didn’t know I needed (but can now never live without).
Is this before you learned civility?
This is without a doubt the hottest live show you’ve ever done (and your live shows are fckn HOT).
Some of the best photos of you ever taken. Wow.
Everything about this is perfect. The angles, the sounds, the sights. Wow.
Another absolutely mind-blowing photoset from this month. Camp Emma isn’t just a theme, it’s a lifestyle. Your art is so fucking good.
No better camp than Camp Emma. What an amazing set. The perfect combination of cute and sexy.
Camp counselor or princess of Earth?
My goodness, you must’ve had to come your arms (and ass) after this one. Perfect tease at the end.
If it wasn’t for the title, I would have thought this was a pro shot video. Wow wow wow, your streams are good.
The messiest BJ shows are the best BJ shows.
This is undoubtedly the hottest tease video that has ever existed.
Vanity Fair called - they were looking for their cover model. Apparently she got lost at Camp Emma?
These are mind-blowing. When an incredible photographer has chemistry with an incredible model, magic truly happens.
Some of your best work yet. One of those projects I just know I’m going to lose count of how many times I’ve watched.
This may be my favorite live show of all time. Wow.
Consider my Valentine’s Day made.
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Room Rangers
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Emma's Space Cowboys
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Spicy Club Show with Lo
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