Instant Access
250 Tokens
A secret note will be revealed after purchase.
here's how it works if you want custom content from me (pics & videos) ;
* 250 tokens is the down deposit for me to start working on any kind of video content. for pics, no deposit is required.
* you can either pay me on here for the full purchase OR you can cash app me the rest - no other payment options at this time ; sorry.
*once i have received your 250 token deposit i will be expecting either an email from you or an mfc mail message with details of what your content request is. i will respond & tell you about my rates for your particular request & we will communicate back & forth until the content has been created.
*pics are 3 pics for 100 tokens & video prices are negotiable & on a case to case basis.
* please allow me 3 days to get videos done. pics i can usually do the same day.
*once i finish creating the content for you i will notify you via our previous form of communication & will expect your payment within 24 hours of letting you know that it's ready.
thank you so much. i look forward to creating something wonderful for you.
-kitty xoxox