Instant Access
404 Tokens
Get added on Steam, Battlenet, and any other gaming platform plus 3 hours of game time with me. Game time may be distributed or played all at once. OR you can tip this to receive a personal stream of my gameplay. You still get 3 hours which can be distributed or played all at once. *Includes voice comms and chat only. Can also be tipped for outside of MFC using Google Pay for $20. To add video, tip an extra 101 tks ($5 on GP). MFC mail or pm me on SC for email.* **PM beforehand to ensure we have access to the same game if you would like to duo. If I don't, you may purchase the game for me through the gaming platform and I will compensate with game time depending on the cost. Example: If you have to pay $60 for the game, you get 6 hours of game time!**