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100% one of a kind, 100% my pretty pussy, 100% never to be printed ever again ! Note: Yes, I’m wearing this mask in photo ! Yes, I have an appropriately filtered mask on underneath. Yes, I put this on for the absolute shortest period of time possible to depict size ! No, it will not ship until 2 weeks POST-PURCHASE to avoid any germs ! Yes, it is sealed & safe now ! Yes, I wore appropriate gloves handling it & washed & sanitized my hands as well before any photos or videos were taken ! Also, it comes with two optional adjuster beads/cinches for YOUR comfort around ear straps & 2 filters w/ PM 2.5 rating πŸ€— It is washable, reusable, laughable, fuckable?, sexy and one of my proudest creations to date ! I can’t wait to see this mask go to a loving forever home πŸ˜‰ otherwise I’ll just enjoy it 😊 International shipping is ay-okay ! I ship via USPS or snail mail β€” tracking number will be available for international shipping, but not within US mainlands, fyi !
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