Instant Access
150 Tokens
🚧🚨 You MUST have a player on the board in order to spin the wheel and take a turn! 🚨🚧 Spin the wheel to take a turn! You could move forward 1 - 4 spaces, you may get a coin, or two coins...and you might pull the blue shell, sending the person in the lead back 5 spaces!! ⚠️ Maximum 3 turns per character per day ⚠️ ✅ You may also tip to take a turn on days when I am not streaming, and I will do the spin for you on snapchat! Good luck!
92 Items
Kildawabit x30
Meekrah x24
Zaphod_42 x21
TittyBear21 x10
chuckufarley3 x4