Instant Access
444 Tokens
Skip the wheel and pick a prize! The Winsday deals are active on Wednesday (MFC Time) when I'm offline! If the prize is something I must perform, I'll do it during my next stream. The available prizes: Naughty Nostalgia - Choose any one of the collectible, older videos Straight Cash, Homey - MFC Share gift code of 500 tokens For Your Eyes Only - Custom photo (Snapchat or Share) Let’s Snapchat - Snapchat for life Here, kitty, kitty, kitty - Pussy tease, in your favorite pose Light and Shadow - Shadow/spotlight dance DJ - 10 song requests Lucky You - 10 raffle tickets Offering to the goddess - Your spin offering has been accepted, the goddess thanks you Show recording - A show recording Shooting star - 3 gold stars Curiosity killed the cat - Ask a decent, answerable question Club pass - Entry into show club AND recording Make your mark - Have your name, or mark placed somewhere on the body Freeze - Frozen until unfrozen