Instant Access
1000 Tokens
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Send your number in a PM message or tip note when you tip for my WhatsApp so I can add you!! WhatsApp is LIFETIME ACCESS & includes chatting, pic sending, nudes, dirty talk, daily life stuff & you can send me messages any time. Feel free to send me messages of any kind as long as they aren't harmful, offensive, rude, harassing etc. WHATSAPP RULES: Don't be rude (example: saying or sending anything disrespectful. Getting angry with me if I don't respond to you immediately, I do my best to chat in a timely manner & anything else I may find inappropriate behavior) you will get ONE warning & then you will get banned. Leave your WhatsApp number when you tip OR message me so I can add you asap please! *rules can change or be added at any time. Feel free to send any other questions about my WhatsApp my way :)