Instant Access
3775 Tokens
WINNER GETS: »60 Minutes voice or vid call time »20% Discount on addt’l call time »Texting on platform of your choice »Personalized pics, snaps, & voice notes! Sexting, shower pics, good morning snaps, random teases, BTS fun, etc. »Private Discord movie date »Mailed baked goods if you live in the US »Customizable options on the above- we can swap things in and out based on your preferences! »But either way, you get a whole lot of April, brace yourself 🔜Winner drawn Sunday July 17! ALL ENTRIES GET CLUB VOUCHER/EXCLUSIVE GFE VID Secret Baller Menu: ⭐️Tip 10k and just get the above 🌟 Beat my HT (20k) and get DOUBLE the above!! Also to clarify bc I phrased it oddly: If anyone tips for the 10k+ options, they instantly get all the prize fun but ALSO the raffle STILL GOES ON! So your raffle tickets will be just as good as before!!