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My first piece of artwork completed in a while. I am really proud of this piece. I started it as I was coming out of a very dark place and needed something to help me through that experience. It was intense. It was dark, scary, and confusing. I didn't know my up from down, left from right. I totally lost myself in self-pity and negative beliefs. I felt like my spirit was dying. My life was spiraling out of control and my dreams were slipping away. The happy, carefree child I used to be was fading. This piece allowed me to express some of those feelings in a productive way. Being able to channel some of those negative energies into something creative was therapeutic for me. This process wasn't something that I wanted to do, but it was something I HAD to do. For the sake of my sanity. I am happy to say that I have begun the slow ascent up from that place and I am now in a much better one. I haven't totally healed yet, but I've come a long way. This piece represents that time in my life. If you are interested in this piece, please send me an MFC mail.
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