Instant Access
100 Tokens
A secret note will be revealed after purchase.
πŸ’Œ Ever wanted to send me a card? Photo of your pet? Something to try? A love letter? Or something else random? Now you can! Purchasing this reveals my P.O. Box address! πŸ’Œ πŸ’Œ I know 100tks might seem like a lot but most of you know I'm pretty private when it comes to where in Aus I am so I don't like to publicly state where I'm from (cause ya know.. weirdos!!) So this is to weed out the creepers and for true fans (friends) only! πŸ’Œ πŸ’Œ By purchasing this you agree to keep my deets secret and not stalk the fuck out of me haha πŸ’Œ
1 Item