What should I wear for my Bday Party ?
A Girl will never know what to wear, not to mention on such a special day as her Bday!!!! So please help me guys and make me pick 2 outfits for the night(50 votes minimum), one before drunk and one after drunk :)))!!! What should i wear for my Bday Party?
2 Votes
Nice Fancy Dress - be a lady for god sake
5 Tokens
Superhero outfit - because why not?!
6 Tokens
Eve Costume - what the heck, is your Bday
7 Tokens
Sexy Underwear - show that body grl
8 Tokens
School Girl - let's spice things a little bit :D
9 Tokens
Sexy Swim suit - and bring a pool also
10 Tokens
Pijamas - we will make it a pijama party ;)
13 Tokens
Pick whatever you like - We love you no mater what
15 Tokens
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