Vote for the Grinch!
Vote for the Grinch!
77 tokens for 1 vote
Or play War for 155 tokens and try to win 5 votes!


This year the room will vote on a Grinch!
You can vote for yourself, another member or Brielle!


If a member gets chosen as the Grinch, they will receive a terribly Grinchy gift box in the mail that will make them wish they didn't win muahaha 😈

If Brielle gets named this year's Grinch, all members will vote on a Grinchy show she has to do at the start of the New Year! 


*69 votes minimum to decide the Grinch! Grinch decided on January 1st as long as vote goal is met!
7 Votes
Let's play war! 🃏
155 Tokens
Nominate someone!
77 Tokens
Vote for Brielle
77 Tokens
77 Tokens