What lush toy should I buy?
As most of you know I'm saving for a new laptop and set of fun and exciting new toys for all you lot to use on me!...

Its up to you guys which one i buy 1st! 
As you know there not cheap so help me choose :)

I have no idea what most of these things are, so lets find out together hehe..

Bare in mind the sex machine is VERY EXPENSIVE so if that wins the vote i might not be able to afford that straight away BUT its deffo on my top of the list! Id love for use to be able to fuck me, have full control! Imagen how good it would be! 
0 Votes
Lovense Dolce
10 Tokens
Lovense Domi 2
10 Tokens
Lovense Lush 3
10 Tokens
Lovense Sex Machine
10 Tokens
Lovense Hush
10 Tokens
Lovense Ambi
10 Tokens
Lovense Osci 2
10 Tokens
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