Offline Tip (Because I love you)
Just want to tell me you love me. And I appreciate it. 
0 Votes
I like you
5 Tokens
I like you a lot
10 Tokens
I love you
15 Tokens
Riyah, I really love you
20 Tokens
I don't think you understand my feeeeeeelings, Riyah
25 Tokens
They are true for you, girl
50 Tokens
Here, I'll prove it
75 Tokens
I want to give you things
100 Tokens
You wanna coffee? Get you a coffee, Riyah
115 Tokens
I wanna give you big things
250 Tokens
I want to give you the world
450 Tokens
I love you and I want you to succeed
500 Tokens
Succeed in anything you do
750 Tokens
So much I want you to take a day off your serving job and just focus on studying and the people you tutor and us
1000 Tokens
Why not get your nails done while you're are it
1400 Tokens
And have a nice meal for yourself
1450 Tokens
Actually, make it a few days off. Study for your exams and succeed girl!
2000 Tokens
I just want you to know I love you and I want to be your biggest tipper of the month!
501 Tokens