Spells- Join a house (club) to cast
House members cast your spells here when the HWIC is offline to get a lead in the house rankings.
(Incendio is only available online)
0 of 1000000 Votes
Apple- Grease up to the HWIC & smooze 1 house point
20 Tokens
Accio- Buys 10 house points
60 Tokens
AccioDuo- Buys 30 house points
150 Tokens
Evanesco(insert house name) subtract 50 points from any house (mail me the club you would like to destroy)
200 Tokens
AvadaKedavra- An unforgivable curse that subtracts 200 points from all other houses- you wicked thing
999 Tokens
Members of following Clubs may vote: