Where would you take me on a date?
Hi! I am Kim.
There are many things I like to see and to do.
I like simple thing like going to the movies.
I like to go dancing under the stars.
I like to go on scary rides at the carnival.
I like to have a romantic dinner by candle light
I like the feel of the sea breeze blowing on my face.
I like to visit far off lands across the ocean.
I like to jet off to exotic places on the other side of the world.
I like exciting trips into the unknown.
And I love erotic sex.
Where would you take me for a date?
0 Votes
🎞ī¸ I would take you to the movies
10 Tokens
💃 I would take you dancing
10 Tokens
🎠 I would take you to the carnival
10 Tokens
đŸŊī¸ I would take you to dinner by candle light
10 Tokens
â›ĩī¸ I would take you sailing
10 Tokens
đŸ›ŗī¸ I would take you on a cruise
10 Tokens
🛩ī¸ I would take you to a faraway destination
10 Tokens
🚀 I would take you out of this world
10 Tokens
🛏ī¸ Go straight to bed
100 Tokens
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