
Conversation Starters / Questions
This "poll" is a fun way to start conversations / ask me questions in my room. Feel free to tell me what your answer would be too :)
9 Votes
What's the last film you watched?
11 Tokens
What made you smile today?
13 Tokens
Which game are you playing right now?
14 Tokens
If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would it be?
15 Tokens
What's the last thing you ate?
16 Tokens
What is your favourite song at the moment?
17 Tokens
If you could pick one superhero power, what would it be?
18 Tokens
What is your favourite animal?
19 Tokens
If you could eat anything right now, what would it be?
20 Tokens
How many pets do you have?
21 Tokens
What are you up to this weekend?
23 Tokens
Favourite drink?
24 Tokens
Favourite pizza toppings?
25 Tokens
Cheesy chat up line
26 Tokens
Have you done anything exciting lately?
27 Tokens
What’s your biggest pet peeve?
28 Tokens
Do you like to cook?
29 Tokens
Tell us something random about you
31 Tokens
Tell a secret!
33 Tokens
What hobby do you wish you were good at?
34 Tokens
What is your favourite sexual position?
35 Tokens
What did you want to be when you were a kid?
36 Tokens
What’s the first thing you would do if you won the lottery?
37 Tokens
What is something you’ve failed at recently?
38 Tokens
What do you love most about your job?
39 Tokens
What is something that’s really popular right now that will be ridiculous in five years?
40 Tokens
Tell me about one thing on your bucket list.
41 Tokens
What are your honest thoughts about social media?
40 Tokens
What is one thing that made you laugh this week?
39 Tokens
What’s the worst thing you’ve ever eaten?
38 Tokens
What film are you really excited to see?
37 Tokens
How do you spend your free time?
36 Tokens
What’s the weirdest thing in your fridge right now?
35 Tokens
What’s your favourite thing you’ve bought recently?
34 Tokens
What is your shoe size?
33 Tokens