Vote on my next tattoo in the planning phase
Brace yourselves, because the level of immaturity, stupidity, and down right insanity that you're going to vote on may be contagious, so I highly recommend eating a couple Tide Pods after you vote.

For my next tattoo(s) I want to get DONT SHOOT down the underside of my upper arms in such a position that the next time a police officer tells me to put my hands up he will clearly see the request. I want to get it in something traditional and trendy like Old English. 
2 Votes
Yes, get it and I'll even bond you out of jail
1 Token
Sure, go ahead and get it, it's your body
1 Token
How many times did your parents drop you on your head as a baby?
1 Token
Your mom should have swallowed
1 Token
No, don't get it. I have no sense of humor and am highly offended
1 Token