What are your wishes for 2021?
21 Votes
End of Covid!
50 Tokens
Better leaders
50 Tokens
50 Tokens
50 Tokens
To do more of my bucket list
50 Tokens
To spend more time with my family
50 Tokens
To spend more time with my friends
50 Tokens
To find my significant other
50 Tokens
To start a family
50 Tokens
To find more time for my passions
50 Tokens
To discover new hobbies
50 Tokens
To learn new things
50 Tokens
To travel more
50 Tokens
More adventure!
50 Tokens
To find happiness
50 Tokens
To evolve as a human being
50 Tokens
All of the above
600 Tokens
Nothing special, I'm happy with my current situation
200 Tokens
Something else(detail please)
100 Tokens