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Watch anime with Mischa! She is a BJD[ball jointed doll] which is a type of doll that originates from Japan, so it comes with the territory that through her creation process she was exposed to anime. From that exposure grew a raging passionate fire, in which...an Otaku was born. Mischa wants to share her enthusiasm for anime with you! Whether anime is completely new for you or it is a black hole in your life, all are welcome! This Club will also have access to a private discord server, so we can all vote on which shows to watch and chat with each other about anime! [emphasis on anime, this is not a private chatroom where you can discuss anything and everything with me. If you want that privilege you will have to show your devotion by entering into My Toy Box at tier 4: Mischa’s Dolls] We can also discuss potential cosplay you would like to see me in, then Mischa can create exclusive photo sets only for her beloved weebs! Anime is such a significant part of Mischa’s life. With this club, a long term goal is to plan Anime Convention meet ups (This being a high token opportunity item, allowed to those I trust most in the family of weebs!) Just think of it! You can follow Dolly around a convention in which she's dressed up in sexy cosplay! We can eat ramen together! Play video games together! Spoil me in the merchandise hall! Play ninja together! Attend panels together! Meet voice actors together! And actually PHYSICALLY watch anime together in the theater rooms! Let’s make this happen! Come join this family of weebs to have this beautiful doll as your waifu! Meeting: EVERY WEDNESDAY! Perks include: Chatroom Badge: Naruto Private Mischa’s Weeb Discord server 75% off Weeb Show Recordings 50% off anime related items Weeb Tip Menu -can be used in anime hangout and public cam shows-
5 Members
R11V37H43D x3
Anonymous x2
MISCHAS_sai x2
Darthrider x2
Mischas_Bliss x2
