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9999 Tokens
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My Guardian Angel is Menadel : The Honorable God The Angel Menadel carries with him the understanding of the laws of the universe. He invites you to share them, and shows the extent of his kindness through doing this. Guardian Angels are my thing, I see signs, I feel connections I belive there's a meaning behind everything. 999 - 9999 are my angel numbers Be my GUARDIAN 🪽my PROTECTOR 🪽my GOD 🪽 For it to have true meaning you should tip it when your token count lands on the number 9999 at random 😏 no cheating. I will honour you with: - A Special badge , yup so cool right ? You're moving up in the room - A Skype date , no nudity nothing sexual. Just 45mins enjoying one another's company! First date jeeze - Added to my top friends list which means you have PM access - Picture set for club members only, it will be sexy I'm sure! - A keepsafe gift with meaning sent to your door - Access to all club shows
3 Members