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Topless Club Show Option! If we have 3 or more tickets purchased, we will switch to a topless club show on the date listed. Shows will start at 10PM MST if enough tickets have been purchased. -Members may purchase more than one ticket per show. (e.g. Xmember -can buy 3 tickets for 1500 toks to ensure a show that night.) -Tickets can NOT be transferred to other members. - If tickets are purchased, and club show is cancelled. MFC Video voucher will be given instead. 1 ticket = 1 video voucher. OG TEAM: Lunatics Club Members have full access to club shows until their memberships expire. Lunatic members do not count as a ticket. (e.g. If there are 3 lunatic members in the room, 3 tickets still need to be purchased for show to occur.) Lunatics are welcome to purchase tickets for the show, same rules apply.