Instant Access
585 Tokens
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Class: Defense Ability: Being cool as hell Weakness: Lame memes So you are looking to join my team, well jump in! We are always recruiting some good defense to hold the point! Joining this club unlocks all the loot you see listed below! -Basic loot: [[ All will be sent over discord, but if you choose not to join I will send over snap ]] - A custom thank you lewd for joining. - One free themed lewd set. Unlocked here on MFC! - Access to all the other media I use such as twitter, twitch, etc. - Friend request on MFC. - Special tip menu. - Name listed as one of GG’s Defenders. - My eternal thanks! - Discord loot: [[ Optional but I highly recommend joining, Discord ALWAYS hears it first ]] - Access to all basic channels. - First access to all shows and new content. - Surprise voice calls. - Snapchat loot: [[ no screenies ;( ]] - Lifetime access to my snapchat. - Daily lewds, random life, and memes. Want even more loot? Check out the other classes that our team has to offer!