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900 Tokens
Join the fuckery AKA: my premium Snapchat 😘
Here you will be able to enjoy a mix of some of my dirtiest moments, my everyday life shenanigans, important info and updates, & memories from Snaps of years past 💕
While this is my "lifetime" Snapchat, there is a $5 renewal fee every AUGUST.
I will send out reminders, but if you don't want to pay me the 5 bucks, you will be yeeted - my Snap gives you access to the most intimate pieces of my life, and freeloaders/creepers will not be tolerated.
I reserve the right to remove/block anyone, at any time, for any reason I see fit. Just be chill and don't make it weird.
1.) NO threatening/harassing/stalking me or any of my members.
2.) NO DICK PICS - not yours, your friend's, a stranger's. EVER.
3.) Screenshot privileges are for recent, consistent tippers ONLY (use common sense/honor system here, folks).
