Instant Access
666 Tokens
By becoming an Official Booty Bruiser you gain access to: The ability to double any spanks you tip for on or off cam (no more than 1500 in one day) -You automatically enter 100 spanks to any and all future spank banks -Any spanks you tip for cannot be countered by another member, UNLESS someone tips 666 tokens to become my booty hero for the night! -Any chance draws related to doing spanks can also be doubled (even if you didn't tip for the draw!) -My love & gratitude, and a little bitterness from das booty! Your name will also be listed on the Booty Bruisers graphic on my profile! Limit of x6 multiplied spanks per person
7 Members
Boobie_HAE x6
kittyotaku_NQ x6
HumanReige x6
Anonymous x2