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Sip sip! I love my Friday nights in with my MFC homies and I wanted to make a little club to bring together my merry drinksmen, and to offer some perks for getting drunk with me :P Every time you tip for Drinking Buddies, I take a shot! Being a member means that if and when I get too drunk and want to go to club, you're always included - pluuuus I'm planning on doing some Drinking Buddies Drinking Games in club show, like taking shots while watching anime/movies or playing card games n stuff, so being a member earns you access to those! But the more you join, the more perks u get ...! 1x - I open your cam every time we do drinking nights (if you want!) 5x - You get your own shot glass here in my room with your name drawn on it, and every time you tip for shots I take it out of your special glass <3 10x - Champagne member! We pop a bottle of champagne to celebrate your achievement, and I make a champagne glass with your name drawn on it that I'll take sips out of
