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777 Tokens
My premium snap for one year -My premium snap chat -Friend add in my room -You get a 🦴badge -Acts as Club Show Pass 💋 Screenshots are allowed and I love conversation, meme wars are encouraged and suggestions are always allowed! I love keeping up with you guys and getting to know you. I try to send pictures to my Premium snappers every day if you dont want to be sent pictures directly to you just ask to be added to my naughty premium story. You have your own tip menus for requests, you must request to send a dick pic because people have abused the free ones too much or you must tip for fap tax regularly! Ps. If you have the snap chat of sweeethazel or HazelSimco aka Hazlexxxoo (now sweetkillian on tik tok too) a girl who is friends with my rapist you will be instantly banned and snap chat revoked shes also claimed on her live that my rape isnt real and I will be making my claim for it in the new year here since she wants to call my real experience with abuse fake, fuck your shit Hazel