Instant Access
500 Tokens
A secret note will be revealed after purchase.
To become Devs daddy-
Level 1 - If you join one time in a month, it's a 30 day club which gets you access to that month's club and current recordings of past clubs
Level 2 - If you join twice in a month, Daddy's club is for 3 months,1 raffle ticket for that
month's raffle, plus you get one album on Dev's share for 25% off
Level 3 - if you join three times in a month, Daddy's club is for 6 months, 5 raffle tickets for
that month's raffle, plus you get one album for 50% off, and
Level 4 - If you join five times in a month, Daddy's club is for 12 months, 15 raffle tickets,
one free album, and 5 snaps that night's stream- Plus all stickers out for the month